Position Your DTG Prints With Precision Using VPP!

You got your designs perfected. With your Digital Factory queue running at full steam, you have your colors dialed in, white balanced and choked, with perfect gradients and vivid reds. You take a step back and there it is. Your logo is about a quarter inch crooked to the left. Eyeballing it can get you close, but when you really want a perfectly positioned print, you need CADlink’s Visual Print Positioning (VPP). 

With VPP you can turn any webcam into a real time visual map of your printing area. Depending on the last time you had your eyes checked, that might be enough of a reason to add it to your workflow. However, it’s more than just visual feedback.

Start by calibrating your camera. This corrects for things like lens distortion, and trains Digital Factory for the scale you’re using in your layout.

With proper calibration, VPP is accurate within 1mm. The functionality of DF Apparel means you can visually drag and place your design on a real time image of your material, allowing for not only accurate prints, but custom positioning on things like pockets or sleeves. 

VPP is the perfect way to make sure your designs end up where you want them, without spending tons of time (or wasted prints) guessing the ideal position. To learn more about VPP, check out the video below!