Customize Your Queue Preview With Background Images!

Queue Background ImagesYou can import, export, remove, and use the camera to set queue background images in the preview area. To delete any queue background image, go to Queue > Remove Queue Background Image.

Take a picture

With a camera installed, in the preview area, click Update Queue Background Image. A new picture is taken and populates the queue background.

Set Queue Background Image

With no camera installed:

  1. Add a job to the queue. Right-click the job in the preview and click Close Page.
  2. Select the job, and in the preview area, click Update Queue Background Image.
  3. In the Update Queue Background dialog, click Yes.
    The Queue Background Image is updated.

With a camera installed:

  1. Add a job to the queue. Right-click the job in the preview and click Close Page.
  2. Select the job, and go to Queue > Set Closed Page as Queue Background.
    The Queue Background Image is updated.

Import Queue Background Image

Import any file to set as a queue background image in the preview area.

Note: This feature is used to preview jobs on any background. To see the substrate color preview accurately, use a PNG or other file type with alpha transparency.

Export Queue Background Image

If you’ve set a queue background image from the camera, you can export it to help with design.

For example, with a calibrated camera and media, take a picture to set the queue background image. Once exported, you can design around the substrate features (such as pockets) and import the new image as a queue background image (without moving the camera or switching media). Then place your output and align it on the preview, and print.

Toggle Queue Background Image Visibility

In the preview area, click to turn Toggle Media Background Image Visibility on or off.
The calibration print image or media-created background updates.

Toggle Job Transparency

In the preview area, click to turn Toggle Job Transparency on or off.
The job transparency updates for easier job placement.